Research Projects
Early Detection of SARDS - cPLR
The aim of this project is to assess routines based on chromatic pupil light reflex as a tool for the early detection of SARDS, before more advanced vision problems arise.
Role of T-cells in SARDS retinal damage
The aim of this project is to assess the role of T-cells in causing retinal damage in patients with SARDS.
Mechanism of IVIg action in SARDS
The objective of this project is to assess whether the therapeutic mechanisms of IVIg are mediated through the inhibition of the complement pathway.
Early Detection of SARDS - ERG
The objective of this project is to create electroretinography (ERG) routines for the early detection of retinal changes in dogs with SARDS, prior to the development of vision loss.
Gut microbiome changes in SARDS
The objective of this project is to investigate whether alterations in the gut microbiome contribute to a more aggressive profile of the autoimmune disease in dogs with SARDS.
SARDS and pancreatitis
The objective of this project is to assess whether subclinical and clinical pancreas inflammation are responsible for a diminished response to medical treatment in dogs with SARDS.